Friday, November 27, 2009

Wisdom to Support Open Search

The wisdom team have been working on making Wisdom more searchable. This means Wisdom now supports the open search standard. This allows users to search Wisdom from Windows 7, IE7/8 , Firefox or any technology that supports the open search standard.

As well as open search the Wisdom team also added support for searching wisdom via Office 2003 and above. Office does not support the open search standard. (This may change in future versions)

Open search allows users to search from most modern browsers and Windows 7. It also allows other search technologies that you may use within your business to federate searches to Wisdom.

Please feel free to contact the team if you have any questions around open search and how you may want to use it.

You can find out more about the search extensions by reading this white paper.

for more infomation about the Wisdom product please visit

Diagonal website version

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wisdom to support RBS (Remote Blob Storage)

Wisdom version 7 is to support SQL Remote Blob Storage. RBS allows 3rd party storage vendors to create fully pluggable storage architectures that can be used to reduce SQL database growth and increase scalability.

RBS allows blob data to be stored in external storage solutions such as Content Addressable Stores (CAS).

At present Wisdom has been tested with the Centera RBS provider.

Diagonal technical staff have contributed to the development of RBS examples on Microsoft open source project.

For more details please visit

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wisdom and Microsoft Dynamics CRM

The wisdom team have been busy integrating Wisdom into Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Cases created in CRM can now be linked to a Wisdom case area. This gives Dynamics CRM Document and Records management capabilities and much more.
We believe that we have taken an interesting approach to this problem that will allow CRM administrators to link any CRM entity type to Wisdom thus giving any CRM entity EDRM capabilities.

Useful links
Microsoft Dynamics