Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wisdom SharePoint 2010 Integration Version 3 – Installation and Configuration


The feedback from users using version 2 of the Wisdom / SharePoint integration was that the installation process was complex and the configuration was inconsistent. With version 3 this has been addressed. The setup has been split into two MSI. The SharePoint Server MSI and the Wisdom Server MSI


To install the Wisdom Components you just run the MSI, nothing else.

To install the SharePoint components you run the MSI and this will create a folder with a PowerShell script and the WSP package (Plus some other dependency's such as the RBS MSI)

Just run the PowerShell Script :


If you look at your SharePoint solutions you will see Wisdom.SharePoint.Integration.wsp and you will have the following features :

Web Application Features
  • Wisdom Record Centre
    Allows SharePoint users to navigate the Record Centre
  • Wisdom Identity Provider
    Loads the Wisdom Identify provider in order to allow wisdom to determine the user.

Site Collection Features

  • Wisdom Site Collection Settings
    allows the following to be configured
    • Wisdom Global Field Mappings
    • Wisdom Automatic Registration Rule Types
    • Wisdom Automatic Registration Rules
Site Features
  • Wisdom Document Library
    Document Library with Wisdom features
  • Wisdom Document Library - Ribbon Buttons
    EDRM Ribbon buttons, eg declare

Once these are active you will see configuration options at levels that you would expect. You can customise your auto declare rules at the site collection but use them on the site :



All configuration is done from SharePoint admin / settings screens such as :


Wisdom SharePoint 2010 Integration Version 3 – No longer all on one server.


The feedback from users using version 2 of the Wisdom / SharePoint integration included the fact that wisdom was required on the SharePoint server and SharePoint was required on the wisdom server presented a problem.

Wisdom on the SharePoint server added lots of unneeded components; such as Wisdoms Message queues, its services and the main web app. SharePoint on the Wisdom server creates an overhead for the Wisdom server and is a licencing concern. With version 3 you can chose to have ‘it all on one box’ or you can have Wisdom and SharePoint on their own servers.

The following diagram shows a typical environment :


To make this possible the Audit and Job Queue services have been refactored so they are not needed on the Wisdom SharePoint server. We have also made significant changes to the way the configuration works. You now have a configuration server and other servers requiring the wisdom API can load the configuration from the central server.